You'll never have a higher per/hour pay rate than when you snap the last photo at a wedding event. Those profitable hours spent at the event are quickly diluted by the many, many hours of post-processing. Those hours drop your hourly pay quickly, and take a lot of the fun out of your craft.
Assistants can be costly – they want a steady paycheck, but work doesn't always come regularly and measured. It comes in huge bunches, and then some spaces.
What makes sense is to work with a service that is there when needed during your crazy busy times, and that you don't pay at all when there isn't work to be done.
All of our services below are made for you as a wedding photographer. From bulk color corrections where much of your time is spent tweaking to maximize consistency, to standard facial retouching, to adding or removing someone from a wedding photo. Our services can help you with your wedding photo editing, in some way, or in every way.
Try us today and see if we aren't a solution for improving your hourly pay rate per job, and helping make shooting weddings more fun!
Complete Retouch
Complete Plus Retouch
Special Services Retouch
Clipping Path
Standard Color Correction
Photo Restoration
Digital Oil Painting
Video Editing
From $50 $25